Personal Data in Instagram

Siegfried N
Nov 16, 2020


So, I recently checked out my access data page on my Instagram account. I was utterly shocked as to how much data Instagram keeps track of me for. However, the shock was only for a few seconds because I immediately looked at my former usernames and started laughing off to all the silly names I had over the years since 2015. The nostalgia was the main thing I was consumed by. That’s where I found it disturbing. I definitely should have been more shocked and mad that they were keeping all this data. But I wasn’t. They literally keep log of every single time we log in Instagram. That, itself is creepy enough. However, my former usernames and bios were enough to distract me from all of that. It just goes to show how we’re all desensitized and fine with tech companies tracking down all our movements. It even felt like Instagram was trying to keep us away from that data by hiding that option so deep into the options tab.

